Artist statement redefined- Phil Grasso

Art for me has been something that cannot be explained through one type of medium or concept. I thoroughly enjoy experimenting with different ideas, whereas, when I find myself excited about a particular theme or idea I tend to spend a certain amount of time corroborating different ways in which that idea can be displayed or viewed. When I spend too much time focusing on the constraints of a particular style I lose the meanings as a whole. Recently I have been excited about the fashion industry and will continue schooling in New York City where I hope to attain a job as a Graphic T-shirt designer. I had started drawing with geometric shapes and creating different patterns, paying attention to line shape proximity and symmetry of the drawings. I am excited to explore these studies creating larger representations using various media and color. Currently I am finding a lot of inspiration stemming from the works of artists such as Frank Stella, Jasper Johns and various street artists, and clothing designers.

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