The Communist Manifesto - Kevin Keane

Karl Marx’s theory that inspired the Manifesto of the Communist Party is so innovative and outside of the box, that I was inspired as a thinker and as an artist. On paper communism sounds like a system without flaw. He was able to envision his ideas and present them in a persuasive way, just as artists are intended to present their work to the best degree.
Marx sees the flaws in the system that was currently in practice and develops a solution. He traces the problem back to where it begins and states that communism can be summed up in a single sentence, “Abolition of private property.” To be able to see the government system on such a large and small scale at the same time is what gave Marx’s theory the persuasiveness that it possessed. He was able to see the problem that was present and then trace it back to its origin. This is not just a skill that is useful for a theorist such as Marx, but a talent that all thinkers must be able to utilize. As artist, we are thinkers as well and we need to be able to analyze the world around us from all angles.

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