Phil Grasso-Marx

Whenever dealing with a read as politically in depth as this, you tend to have a hard time matching opinions. Two things never discussed among friends, religion and politics. Marx for example had a very knowledgeable understanding of the times he was living in. His followers were mainly like him in the sense that they were going through the same hardships that a socialist empire tends to have. The idea of socialism is a fantastic one in my opinion. Yet it seems to prove time and time again that the philosophy behind such sets are not realistic in a "today" world. I certainly believe in fairness, that is, the equal distribution of equal amount of work. The minute you have someone a. not working as hard as you or b. worging harder than you; there arrises conflict.
He than discusses his thoughts on Capitalism and the range in class, from the richest rich, to the poorest of the poor. Basically stating that a certain class of people have the right to better themselves throughout there life. The harder you work the greater reward. With this however it can complicate the process of the economy. Breaking people up into tax brackets that are usually ridiculous. allowing the rich people to pay off their taxes with out any financial worry. While the poor people continue to struggle because they have basically been locked in. This than makes it much more difficult to regain financial freedom. Given it is entirely possible, yet much harder. This leaves room for much argument on either side. Whereas some say 'those who have worked the hardest don't have to worry about that' this then gets refuted by something like; 'just because you get more money, you think you work harder than me', come find out. These laborers who deal with a lot of physical wear and tear created a Union system, with the help of Karl Marx's philosophies. In such they all banded together to demand better wages and benefits.

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