Class struggle is a big issue that would emerge from early man. After the ages of teeth and object trade, somewhere material money manifested and became the source of all material things needed and desired. With this new material, whether paper, coin or “valuable resource, like gold ect.,” came a struggle of the classes and the ability to do/not, or to have/not have a given desire or necessity met. A class generally ranges from upper or high class, middle class, low class, to down right poverty stricken people. How is it that one class or group of people could have more money than another group? This is where you can tie in religion and god. It is said that the upper class were royalty, or somehow linked to the ideas of god, that if you had money you were more important or higher up on the hierarchical scale than the next class (which was usually in line with the Catholic religion). The only real difference between the classes is money. Did god invest his energy in a select few of our social nature to rule the world? This idea is as ancient as pre-Egyptian, Egyptian and still exists today. In fact today, it is thought there are super/world powers at work, which have an agenda to rule or take over the world. For each and every era this all links into mans desire for power. To have power is to be higher up in the social class than the next and have the power to do as you please which would reflect freedom. The lack of vulnerability and fear that an individual / group or nation may possess. This freedom is what all species deserve, desire, expect and crave. Marx understood this separation of power. He understood that “the Boss,” pays his employees to do certain work that may or may not be necessary to anyone else but that individual. The wealth that this person holds is what puts them in power over the working class while the boss just sits back and only worries about finical gain and expansion at the cost of his laborers. The only way to beat this system is to acquire your own substantial money load so that no one can tell you what to do. The situation of wealth lets you create your world around you as you please rather than work your ass off for all hours of the day just to survive with barely enough to buy what you want or even what you need. Materialism comes into play when capitalism forms which seduces you to buy, buy, buy, or sell, sell, sell for the betterment of the rest of a nation. But this leads to vast amounts of bullshit and greed. Overall with this capitalist way of life the rich get richer and the poor stay or get poorer. In my mind, it’s very important for people like Marx to come around to articulate these complex struggles that can be so easily over looked by the layman or the laborer who has not enough time to think for himself.
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