Internal Sourcing

Jess Castaldi

I found it interesting reading about the ways different artists find their inspiration. I believe that inspiration is unique to the individual artist but I can understand how it can be grouped into two different types of external and internal sources. In reading the article, I would say I would generally fall under the group that uses internal sourcing. I work in the same veins as Pipilotti Rist and Jan Harrison create their work. I draw inspiration from emotional events that happen to me, and I use images that just come into my head. I am not like Julian LaVerdiere whose inspiration is continually flowing through her. Either my inspiration has to be tapped into when I am working on a project or it just comes in moments beyond my control.

I think it was important for us to read about the different types of inspiration because we will be needing to learn how we are influenced as we continue with our work. It allows someone who might be using the same type of influence to use a different approach to an idea and maybe draw inspiration from a different source.

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